Sunday, 15 January 2017

Evaluation Question 4:

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Click here for a link to my focus group information

Click here for a link to some audience feedback

After conducting questionnaires to my focus group I have decided on the age group that my media product would mainly appeal to would be 11-16 year olds. As well as this, I used social media to ask my questions, which is demonstrated by the snapchat to the left.

I have targeted the product at the younger end of the teenagers due to the overall house style and actual content inside the magazine that I have produced. I found this task suited me very well due the fact that when I was younger I was a frequent consumer of popular Pop magazines, meaning I am familiar with the lexicon of words and style of writing that would be well understood by the target audience. Using catchy well known phrases 'Hot Top 40' engages with their common interests as well as maintaining the brand identity throughout. The specific gender I would consider my product to be aimed towards would in fact be females, which I also found easy to create for due to being a female teenager who is a lover of pop music myself. Always having the target audience in mind has meant that I have ensured all of the content listed on the contents page is very orientated to their wants and needs. The technique of interaction with the audience is key, not only through the language but the opportunities and incentives that lure the audience in to purchase the magazine in the first place. I have placed the majority of these on the front cover as this is the only thing that will be studied before purchasing in a shop. This involving free V Fest tickets, merch competitions and also a quiz. The layout should be more eye catching than the other competition to result in the sales being high.

Why not an older target audience?I have chosen to aim my product at a younger audience due to the bright graphology and genre that I have decided to focus on. This is a physical magazine that you would buy from the shop, and also be encouraged to collect all of the issues as a loyal consumer, and from my own knowledge it is more common for the older audience brackets to use digital technology to consume media products. This is due to them being able to subscribe to magazine companies and also are more likely to read more advanced content such as a newspaper, where as when teenagers are younger they tend to spend their money on products that they have easy access to and also are allowed to consume. 

Why specifically aim the product at females?
I carried out a questionnaire with a sample of both 20 females and 20 males and asked them the question: 'IS POP YOUR MOST PREFERRED GENRE OF MUSIC?'

The findings are presented in the bar chart below which evidently shows that 18 of the girls that I asked stated that 'pop' was their most preferred genre, compared to only 11 of the boys. 

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