Thursday, 8 December 2016

Production:magazine double-page-spread

This is the image that I have decided to use for my double page spread, I feel that it suits the topic of festivals very well due to the clothing and position of the models. It is more on the subtle side due to the fact that there is not a direct mode of address, which is what I wanted to go for as I want the article to be the main focus to  my audience. 

Next, I began to place the article onto the spread and making sure that you can easily read the font. In the end I decided to go for a font named 'bell-rose' which did not print in capitals so worked really well. 

This lesson I spent the time putting the text into columns, this then means that I am going along with the codes and conventions of already existing magazines. 

I have no begun to experiment with different color palettes on the spread to see which ones work best. I feel as though the green shade links in really well with the idea of nature in the background of the central image. Also meaning that the black typography stands out well within the column. 

This lesson my aim was to include more codes and conventions from other magazines. So this therefore, meant that I have added in a drop cap on the first letter of the article which now looks considerably more professional. 
This lesson I have added social media logos to engage with my audience, as well as a pop of pink to fit in with the house style that I have created on my front cover. 

The final changes I have made is to add the masthead logo in the bottom right hand corner to ensure that there is a clear branding across the magazine. 

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