Thursday, 8 December 2016

Production: magazine contents page

I decided to choose this image for my contents page as I really like the colours as well as the direct mode of address from the model. The way she is positioned means that it is then easy to position the content on the page.

This lesson I began to place some of the contents that will be included in my magazine in a transparent box at the side. Furthermore, the masthead is in the font 'prisma' which is the same as the font on the front cover to provide consistency. I downloaded this from 'dafont' which is a website that provides a unique variety of fonts.

I have now begun to experiment with adding different features to my contents page. This involves a smaller image of my front cover to promote the latest issue.

This lesson I wanted to push my skills slightly more so I have created an Instagram post personal to my magazine. I did this on Photoshop by using a template that I got from Google images. It looks professional linking in well with my target audience and is also a good way to interact with them.

This is where I have begun to adapt the house style of my magazine regarding the color palette, adding in slightly brighter shades to match the front cover. 

The final changes I have made is to add more content involved in my magazine, adding in another Instagram post, adding the credits and photography, placing the logo from my front cover in the bottom right hand corner, including a website for a sense of brand identity and finally, there is now a tag line at the top of the page 'The Pop of a new generation.' 

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