Saturday, 26 November 2016

Production: inspiration from magazines

This is a screenshot from a Pop magazine named 'CLASSIC POP.' I really liked the look of their masthead as I felt I needed to adapt mine to make it slightly more simple yet still effective in promoting my brand. The box around the edge of the text allows it to stand out more, as well as the contrasting colours they have used in terms of the black and red. Furthermore, I really liked the idea of making use of the inside of the 'O' by either placing text in the middle or even an image that relates to the masthead. 
Therefore, following on from the inspiration that I have found above I decided to adapt my original masthead and make it look a lot more professional. I carried out this process in Photoshop. The original masthead that I created is positioned to the left of the page, I liked the unique style however, I felt as though it could be difficult to read for my target audience, I have kept the font 'Prisma' the same as I feel this links in really well with my genre. As well as this, the letters were difficult to get straight which meant it did not fulfill the professional look I wanted to go for. 
This is an image of a drop-cap. I felt as though this is a really professional and easy aspect to carry out, it it popular across a lot of magazines no matter what the genre is. Therefore, there is a drop-cap included on my double page spread, InDesign made this easy to do and also look really put together. 
This is the front cover that I took most of my inspiration from in terms of how my own front cover looks. I really like the bright colours used as the house style as you can really tell that is is a pop magazine without even reading it. I also like the way the boxes overlap with each other. Furthermore, it is clear that there has been close editing on the boxes, making it look very professional. 

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