Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Research:Annalysing a Sixth Form magazine (third)

 Masthead- Firstly, on this particular front cover it is evident that the masthead is more on the subtle and elegant side. It still stands out to the readers but it just is not the main focus of the front cover however, still gets the overall point across; ensuring that the brand identity is still widely portrayed to the target audience.

 Central image- This is clearly the main focus of the front cover and is also done very well. The chosen shot is medium which also denotes a young girl who is smiling at the camera and dressed in autumnal clothing. Furthermore, the image connotes a Sixth Form student who is using direct mode of address to the target audience to promote how warm and inviting the destination is, ensuring that the aim to promote is a success. 

Colour palette- The tones/ shades of colours that have been used regarding the background are all soft and muted . This is very effective due to the simple fact that in allows the central image to be more prominent as the tones on the young girl are more vivid and bright, attracting the majority of the attention. In addition, the subtle theme of colours used on the background and the masthead is maintaining the house style of the branding which proves consistency and makes it look more professional as a Sixth Form.

Tag lines and feature articles- There is not a clear number of tag lines evident however, they have focused attention on the featuring article which states; 'DELHI BOUND.' The typography of the font is printed in capitals to prove emphasis on how important it is to read. Which links onto the type below which is an imperative statement to entice the reader in. 

USP- A unique selling point to this article is the fact that the model featuring on the central image looks very happy and is also wearing non uniform. This is portraying a relaxed atmosphere which could be an incentive to a lot of teenagers to attend that particular Sixth Form.

Date and bar code- From what I can see on the front cover, there is not a bar code but there is a date line which ensures that the target audience are reading the correct and up to date magazine.

Colour palette- The contents page maintains professionalism due to the fact that the same muted colours are included. This also keeps up the idea of a brand identity.

Typography- The font used is the same soft font used on the front cover which proves consistency and house style. It is also set out in a very unique way to prove another USP of the magazine. The sub-headings are printed in capitals to allow the audience to know which parts to spend their time reading.

Images- There is a heavily used direct mode of address used through the images to engage whoever is reading the magazine. Again, the brighter tones of the pictures contrasts against the muted background and allows them to stand out more and be a focus of attention.

Underscoring- This particular technique is used underneath the title block of the word 'contents' to act as an emphasis on what the page is all about. This is not used on the word 'welcome' which in contrast, acts as a direct mode of address on the audience to make them feel welcome and know to carry on reading.

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